I strive for elegance and perfection!

Discover perfection
Picture of Nikolai Hedegaard Hansen


My name is Nikolai Hedegaard Hansen, and I'm a graphic designer who strives for elegance and perfection in my designs. I want to show you what I can do and how I can be a valuable companion for your team and brand.

Learn more about me

“Everything is designed.
Few things are designed well.”

- Brian Reed

Explore My Creative Journey

Den Fynske Landsby AR-Concept for the museum
UI & UX redesign of Aarup tennisclubs website
Product book for REC Watches
Your Daily Dose magazine cover
Show more

Get in touch

Are you seeking a designer dedicated to elegance and perfection? Allow me to enhance your team and elevate your brand with a touch of Danish design. Reach out today, and together we can achieve remarkable results!